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    From consumer victim to `fashion activist`….

    From consumer victim to `fashion activist`…

    In the article of 01 January I had to admit already ashamed that I was not so long ago with security one of the most intensive consumers of my own industry. Also I have already mentioned that fashion for me is not always only need. It can inspire, express moods, and just keep you in everyday life on ‘cashmere days’.

    The question you are rightly asking is why my attitude towards fashion and the industry behind it has changed so much?

    “In order to create something, you must first question everything”

    Eileen Gray, architect and furniture designer (1878 – 1976)

    A major reason was the realization that the industry had become absurd. An example of this is the destruction of fashion on a grand scale:

    As a result of a Greenpeace petition, 145,000 signatures were delivered to the Ministry of Environment earlier this year opposing the destruction of like-new merchandise. Vast quantities of goods, ranging from raw materials to ready-made pieces, are regularly destroyed after an untraceable period of time because disposal is cheaper than storage. But why are we at a point of destroying like-new garments?

    The unbeatable low prices of labels such as H&M, for example, can sometimes be traced back to the large quantities of items. This surplus of goods is now falling existentially at their feet. Locations are being closed and entire fashion lines are being discontinued.

    In the past, there were two collections, summer and winter. So in summer – crazy, but true – you got summer clothes and in January you even got a black turtleneck sweater.

    To give further purchase incentives, it goes over additional spring and fall collections to a rhythm of up to 52 collections a year! As a customer, I find it very challenging to deal with a new collection (per brand mind you!) almost every week.

    Fashion sells itself on the one hand through the search for the latest trends but also through the wealth of experience from the sale of previous collections. Since trends play a subordinate role for me I would not like to allow myself a judgment. But how can experience and customer feedback be used with the current much too fast cycle and the models be further developed in the sense of the customer?  It is impossible.

    So it is pre-programmed that cuts do not fit well and fabrics do not meet the requirements of a long-lasting garment (why should they?) – and a quick rejection of the garment as well.

    “Make it simple but significant”

    Don Draper, Mad Men


    I’m not advocating standing still or sitting it out, quite the opposite! In the creation and growth of few, the focus is on the pursuit of “simple and significant”, and the aspiration to do the right things right!

    Famous fashion photographer Peter Lindbergh, after many years in the fashion industry, definitely knows what he’s talking about when he says: “Fashion should calm down a bit…”

    Rarely have I preferred to agree with someone!


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